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Supplier: Copan
Description: Surface control swabs and sponges designed for the hygiene monitoring of surfaces.
Supplier: Copan
Description: Swab rinse kits (SRK®) for microbiological examination and quantitative analyses.

Outils de collecte pour microbiologie médicale

Un portefeuille complet d’écouvillons de grande qualité permettant de prélever des bactéries en bactériologie médicale.

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Écouvillons à milieu en gel

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Supplier: Copan
Description: Swab rinse kits (SRK®) for microbiological examination of surfaces.
Supplier: Copan
Description: Swab rinse kits (SRK®) for microbiological examination of surfaces.
Supplier: Copan
Description: Large swab rinse kits (SRK®) for microbiological examination of surfaces.
Supplier: Copan
Description: Swab rinse kits (SRK®) for microbiological examination of surfaces.
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